Friday, September 25, 2015

Welcome to Metcalf Principal

Happy Fall to all our Metcalf Families!

Welcome to my new blog created to keep you informed of all fantastic happenings at Metcalf Elementary School.  We have so much to be proud of we just have to share!

We have a celebrity in our midst!
Mrs. Sharon Lafrenaye has been named the EWG District Teacher of the Year AND the RI Art Education Association Elementary Art Educator of the Year! Sharon is not only a fabulous art teacher, but a huge contributor to the positive school culture at Metcalf School.  We are so lucky to have her...her enthusiasm is contagious!  Thank you Mrs. Lafrenaye for all you do!

We are ALL scientists at Metcalf Elementary School! 
Hands-on, inquiry based science is exciting our students and peaking their curiosity about the world around them.  Grade three is exploring Weather & Climate, grade four is studying Soil, Rocks, & Landforms, grade five is exploring the Sun, Moon, & Planets.  Grade six is studying eco-systems and has created their very own terrariums that are kept right in the classroom for observation and experimentation.  Your child's teachers have created dynamic science labs in their classrooms to actively engage students and provide them with enriching experiences daily.  Just look at the photos below!

Thank you to our PTA!
What would we do without you!  Thank you for the laminating machine, the walkie talkies, and the fun and fabulous activities you provide our students and families.  You are a devoted and creative group and we appreciate all your efforts.  Check out the photos of our recent walkathon...we had SO much fun!!!