Going to the parent-teacher conference provides you and your child's teacher an opportunity to work together as a team in order to help your child. You each have an important perspective to share - as the parent, you know your child's personality, habits, strengths, and weaknesses. The teacher, on the other hand, has been trained professionally in the best methods of teaching, meeting individual student's needs, how to control classroom behavior, and how to help your child succeed in school. Working together you will be able to find ways that each of you can provide the appropriate and necessary support for your child.
The conference is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about your child's progress, to learn more about the class and what the students are studying, and to find out if your child is having difficulty with anything in particular. In addition, the more you know about your child's school and classes, the more likely your child will be able to talk about daily experiences with you. Students appreciate your concern and involvement, and will be more likely to approach you when they have problems.
Ask for explanations of anything you don't understand.
Remember that you and your child's teacher both want the same thing: the very best for your child. Open, honest, and respectful communication will be the most effective way to work together with your child's teacher and build a lasting relationship for a successful school year. Listen carefully to what the teacher says. If you don't understand something that the teacher talks about (such as an educational term or an explanation of a school policy), don't be afraid to ask for clarification. It is important for you to understand what your child's teacher is telling you.
Create an action plan.
Ask your child's teacher for specific suggestions of ways that you can help your child at home with homework, reading, organization, routines, behavioral issues, etc. Make sure you understand the teacher's suggestions, and ask for clarification if you don't. This list of suggestions will become the action plan. Establish a way to keep track of the child's progress, as well as the best way to stay in touch with your child's teacher - through phone calls, emails, notes, or meetings. Review the action plan with the teacher as you end the conference to make sure that you both have the same expectations.
YOU are our most important partner in your child's education!
Thank you for working with us to make this a
happy and successful school year for your child!