Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
The cheerful smiles and sense of wonder at Metcalf have been delightful.  Students have been steadily becoming more excited as the days go on but have managed to stay focused in school. This is a true reflection of the effort put forth by all our Metcalf families, faculty, and staff.  We have all worked together to make sure there is a nice balance between learning and celebrating the season together with some fun holiday festivities!  

Holiday Fun!

A Sign Language Performance by Mrs. Gammond's Class

Festive Holiday Sweaters lit up Mrs. Hanley's class!

Report Cards
Thank you all for working with us as we implemented the Standards-Based Report Card this year at Metcalf.  We realize that it is quite a change from the traditional grading system. We are so pleased because the new report card allows us to provide a much more comprehensive and complete picture of where your child is academically, socially, and emotionally each trimester.  I have heard some wonderful feedback, as well as some very helpful suggestions. We thank you for your support and will consider all ideas going forward.  

The Parent Portal
Aspen's Parent Portal is new to families in grades 3-6, but it has been open to parents at the secondary level for quite some time.  This feature has allowed us to provide families with access to student report cards on line, thus saving thousands of dollars for the paper, ink, and envelopes necessary when printing at school. In these difficult budget times, we are excited about reallocating these funds to classroom resources and materials that students will benefit from on a daily basis. You can easily view and/or print a hard copy of the report card once you log into your Aspen account.  Please let me know if you are having any difficulty with the Parent Portal or viewing your child's report card.  I thank you all for working with us and the EWG Technology Department to implement this change with such success!  

Community Announcements
Please visit the links below regarding:
The faculty & staff at Metcalf School would like to wish you a
Merry Christmas...Happy Hanukkah...Happy New Year!
Enjoy your vacation and this special time with family and friends.        See you all next year!  

Monday, December 12, 2016

Brrrrrr...Winter is Here!

Metcalf School is proud to be a Feinstein Leadership School!

We are thankful to our wonderful & involved teachers, very supportive & generous parents, and thoughtful & kind students for all you do to help us reach out and accomplish so many good deeds as a school community. For more details, please visit the link below to see the Metcalf Elementary School: Feinstein Junior Scholar Program Letter

Standards-Based Report Cards
You may now view your child’s first trimester Standards-Based Report Card through the Parent Portal in Aspen. You can easily print the report card if you prefer a hard copy. I have also included a link to the Parent Guide to Standards-Based Grading that was shared at each of the four Standards-Based Grading Workshops we held recently at Metcalf Elementary School. The Parent Guide will be a helpful resource to those who were unable to attend one of our workshops. This Parent Guide is also available on the Metcalf School website under the Parents Tab/Important Documents
Link to Parent Guide to Standards-Based Grading and Report Cards:

Mighty Mustang Awards
Students may be coming home with a Mighty Mustang Award this trimester.  These awards were designed using input that was gathered last year from students, families, faculty, and staff.  The message was clear when we reviewed the input and analyzed it as a faculty.  Our shared goal is to recognize the many different facets of the children at Metcalf School, to promote a growth mindset, and to honor the whole child. We will recognize every Metcalf student at some point throughout the school year so all children will know we see that "something special" within them.

There's a Chill in the Air!
We try to go outside for recess every day so please be sure your child comes to school dressed for the cold weather. Don't forget, when there's snow on the ground they may bring their snow pants, boots, mittens, etc. so they can enjoy the winter wonderland!

Upcoming Events:
Grade 6 Band Concert - Thursday, Dec. 15, 7:00
PTA Family Movie Night - Friday, Dec. 16, 7:00, Metcalf Cafeteria
Holiday Recess - Friday, Dec. 23 - Tues. Jan. 3rd.
Parent K-2 Math Workshop - Thur. Jan. 5, Wawaloam School, 5:30-6:00
PTA Mtg. - Thur. Jan. 5, 6:00 @ Wawaloam School
Chorus Concert, Grades 5 & 6 - Thur. Jan. 19, 7:00-8:00 @ Metcalf
PTA Bowling Event - Sunday, Jan. 29th
Dental Screening - Friday, Feb. 10th
NAEP Test, Grade 4 students - Wed. Feb. 15th

Community Announcements:
Please visit this link to learn more about the next showing of Screenagers:

WG Knights Youth Football & Cheer - Informational Flyer Link:

EWG Class of 2019 Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser:

EWG Boys Lacrosse Fundraiser - Informational Flyer Link:

Image result for holiday clip art

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Delights

On Thanksgiving Day we're thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.

For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.

We're grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,
For arms to hug, and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.

The list of all we're grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!
By Joanna Fuchs

A message from Superintendent Erinakes
In addition to the move to full-day kindergarten, our district has experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment at the elementary level over the past few years. As a result, we have been monitoring enrollment trends and our school's space capacity. We are currently in the process of reviewing our needs and exploring potential changes to the grade structure at each of our schools, including the possible (probable) move of grade two to Metcalf Elementary School and the possible move of grade 6 to the Junior High School. Including grade six as part of our middle school (JHS) also has significant programmatic benefits. These changes may be implemented as early as next school year. Stay tuned for further details on our progress, and watch for surveys as we work to gather information from parents to assist us with our planning.

PTA Book Giveaway
Thank you to our PTA for the fabulous books!  
We can't wait to read them over the Thanksgiving break!


Upcoming Events
  • Don't miss the Parent Workshop on the new Metcalf Report Cards scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 5:30-6:30 in the Metcalf library!
  • The Holiday Bazaar is taking place on Saturday, Dec. 3rd fro 9:00-2:00 at Metcalf!
  • Picture Re-Take day is Monday, Dec. 5th.
  • The PTA Movie Night is Friday, Dec. 16th.
 Community Announcements
The Metcalf faculty & staff wishes you all a very 
Happy Thanksgiving and restful weekend with 
family & friends!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Autumn!

Grade 4 visits the State House and IMAX Theater.  

Look who they met during their tour!

Our Grade 6 students got creative with pumpkins 
to celebrate the season! 
Here are the winners of The Great Pumpkin contest!


Chorus is thriving at Metcalf this year and making 
morning to our ears!  

  • Our next PTA meeting is on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at 6:00 in the Metcalf library.  Hope to see you there!
  • Don't miss the Parent Math Workshop that is just before our PTA meeting at 5:30 on Nov. 2nd!  Supporting Mastery of Basic Math Facts, grades 2-5 is the focus!
  • There will be no school on Tuesday, Nov. 8 due to Election Day.
  • There will be no school on Friday, Nov. 11 due to Veterans' Day.
  • A Flu Clinic will be held at Metcalf School on Wednesday, Nov. 9th from 4:00-6:30.
  • Parent Workshops on Standards-Based Grading will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 on Wednesday, Nov. 9th and Wednesday, Nov. 30th in the Metcalf library.
Community Announcements

Monday, September 26, 2016

A Great Start to the New School Year!

We are several weeks into the new school year and I think we can all agree we’re off to a great start! Our Open Houses were well attended and the energy at Metcalf is very positive. We all enjoyed the Welcome Back to School event with DJ Ooch...the rain didn’t stop us from having fun! With the beginning of year events now behind us our students are settling into to their new routines and feeling comfortable. It’s going to be a fantastic school year!

Mrs. Laurie Gross is the 
Exeter-West Greenwich Teacher of the Year!

Please help us congratulate Mrs. Laurie Gross on being named the Exeter-West Greenwich Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Gross has proven herself to be a most valuable asset to Metcalf Elementary School. She is the grade three team leader, serves on numerous committees, and truly leads by example. I am honored to be her principal and was delighted to be in attendance while she was honored this past Saturday evening at the Rhode Island Department of Education sponsored ceremony which took place just prior to Waterfire. It was a beautiful evening and an incredibly special event. Please enjoy the pictures below.

Mrs. Gross, you represent us well and make us 
"METCALF PROUD" every day!! 

Thank you for all you do for our school, students, and families. :)

Who’s new at Metcalf?

We have a few new faces at Metcalf this year while some of our familiar faces are out on leave. Please help us welcome Mrs. Sheri O’Neill who is substituting for Mrs. Black in the library. Mrs. O’Neill has jumped right in and is very excited to share her enthusiasm for literature and technology with her new Metcalf students.

Ms. Breann Stewart is substituting for Caitlin Blake while she is out on maternity leave. Breann did a few long-term positions for us last year and did a fabulous job. We are lucky to have her back again this year. Her presence has already had a positive impact on our students!

Mrs. Alicia Skaggs is thrilled to be joining the Metcalf Team as a long-term art substitute for Mrs. LaFrenaye while Sharon is out on maternity leave. After graduating from Syracuse University, Alicia spent time as a textile designer and then taught art in North Kingstown, at Fishing Cove and Quidnessett Elementary Schools. She is looking forward to working with your children this year and sharing their wonderful artwork on Artsonia!

Ms. Christine Gardner is our new Occupational Therapist. Ms. Gardner graduated with a Masters in Occupational Therapy in 2011 from Quinnipiac University. Since then she has worked in several states across the country specializing in pediatrics, most recently working at Bradley Hospital. Christine is excited to be here at Exeter-West Greenwich to work with the students on their journey of academic success and personal growth.

Fifth Grade Science Fun 
with Mrs. Hanley and Ms. Ryan!

     We're sure you can see that WE LOVE SCIENCE!!!!!

Upcoming Events & Information!
  • Don't miss the Scholastic Book Fair at Metcalf this week.  We are always happy to see books in our students' hands.  
  • The Book Fair is open to families on Friday evening.
  • The PTA will be running the Walkathon on the morning of October 5th.  This is fun event for the Metcalf community and a very important fundraiser so don't miss the information that was sent home last week! Students in grades 3 & 4 will walk 8:50 to 9:35, grades 5 & 6 will walk from 9:45-10:30.
  • Thank you to Mrs. Tanya Chipman for volunteering to be our Box Top Coordinator this year. We appreciate the time and energy you spend heading this program for us! We use the funds generated by this program to supply additional classroom resources to our teachers and students.  Please collect and send in your Box Tops so we can continue supporting creative activities at Metcalf School!  Please thank Mrs. Chipman when you see her!
  • Thank you to Mrs. Stephanie Levins for volunteering in our library this year!  Your assistance with book organization and shelving is very much appreciated! Please say thank you to Mrs. Levins the next time you see her!
  • Thank you to our PTA for the one year Discovery Education license for our Metcalf students and teachers! We are SO excited!  

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lockdown Update

Good Afternoon,

Late today I received the final information from the State Police regarding the incident that occurred on Friday, resulting in a district-wide lockdown. At this point, I can share some additional factual details. The threat was received at Metcalf School by a third party, concerned about potential violent actions of another individual. The threat was not directed toward any one individual or group of individuals. The police were contacted immediately and a district-wide lockdown was put in place as per protocol.

We were aware that the person of concern was reportedly on the way to the school district, so police were on scene to be sure that did not happen. We wanted all individuals to be inside and certainly did not want to convey a message of panic that would undoubtedly bring many concerned parents to the school buildings while the police were in the process of locating the reported individual and conducting their investigation. At no time during the event did anyone of concern enter any of our campuses, and the procedures at every school were executed as planned.

I was notified late this afternoon that there was no credible evidence that the reported concern would come to fruition. As we did for the remainder of the day on Friday, all classes and activities will resume as normal on Monday morning. Principals at each building will debrief with their staff and staff will debrief with their students. Administrators will also meet to debrief to be sure that everything in place was executed as planned, and to look at ways to make our current procedures even tighter.

We spend a great deal of time in schools preparing for the unthinkable, but when we have to put things in place outside of the typical drills that we conduct, it is a very different feeling. Our teachers and principals acted with confidence and bravery - remember that they were not privy to all of the facts as they unfolded either - but they took care of your children as their first and only priority under difficult circumstances. I cannot thank the staff, building administrators, and the state and local police for their handling of a very serious situation. Although we never want to experience the reality that many schools have faced across our country, everyone can rest in the comfort of knowing that our district is prepared to handle such a situation to the best of our ability should the need ever arise.

I have had a chance to see several parent responses to the initial e-mail that I sent out within minutes of the lockdown being lifted. I appreciate the many notes of thanks and your patience in waiting for the additional relevant information that I said would be released when it became available. I am very relieved to hear the results of the investigation, and I am confident that we will return to school tomorrow in as safe an environment as we have always had.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding. Know that all of your children were outstanding listeners during the event and I have heard nothing but praise from teachers about the way their students responded to what was asked of them on Friday. Please take the time to reinforce to them the importance of these safety procedures and convey my appreciation to them for their behavior on Friday.


James Erinakes

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Happy Summer!

Dear Metcalf Families,
I can only describe my first year at Metcalf as thoroughly enjoyable and exciting!  It is hard to believe that it is already over and summer vacation is upon us!  I enjoyed getting to know your children and watching them grow and learn during the school year.  I have seen first hand that the Metcalf families are caring, involved, and supportive of the many ideas and initiatives that are currently underway.  The faculty and staff here are a true joy to work with and enthusiastic about trying new things in and out of the classroom.  It is a delight coming to Metcalf every single day!
Together we have accomplished a great deal in one year...just take a look!

  • We have created a new student recognition program, The Mighty Mustang Award, which will honor many different aspects of our developing students, (academic success, personal bests, exceptional talents, thoughtful/ caring individuals, and acts of kindness, etc.).  I thank all the families that sent in thoughts and ideas after brainstorming with your children. We can't wait to get started! 
  • We researched and studied Standards-Based grading systems throughout the school year and deemed it the perfect fit for Metcalf.  We then created a Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC) for grades 3-6 which will be implemented for the 2016-2017 school year.  This new report card was designed to reflect specific learning standards at each grade level.  You will find that it resembles the Wawaloam report card and will provide families with increased continuity as students join us at Metcalf. The first SBRC Parent Workshop was held in June with several more to be scheduled in the fall.  
  • New inquiry-based science kits have been added to each grade level which the children can't wait to get their hands into!  Think bugs, and worms, and plants, oh my!
  • We have adopted a new math program, Every Day Math 4, for grades 3-5, and Big Ideas for grade 6, after piloting both programs from January to June.  Our teachers are extremely pleased and enthusiastic about these new programs and I think your children will be too! 
  • We are expanding our Social Studies resources and exploring ways to bring interesting history lessons and stories to life in the classroom. 
  • Our new Metcalf website is up and running!  Don't forget to bookmark the website address, so you will have all important and up-to-date information right at your fingertips. 
  • We've had some shifts in classrooms, too.  The entire grade 3 wing has moved down and around the corner to wing 3A.  We've taken down a wall in Ms. Place's classroom to combine 2 rooms.  Now she can hold band right there in her new, improved, and enlarged music room! We are also busy reorganizing and painting some rooms to spruce things up.  There's nothing like a new coat of paint!
We also have a few surprises up our sleeves for the fall.  I won't wish summer away, but I can't wait for our next school year together!  Enjoy the following collection of photos and information that you might find helpful. 

Rooster Games - 2015/2016


PTA Survey:  Please log on to take the PTA survey so they can hear your ideas and plan ahead for the 2016-2017 school year!

Box Tops:  We are in need of a parent volunteer to take over the Box Top program for us. A HUGE thank you goes to Diane Gemma for running this program for the past several years.  She not only did a fantastic job, but she's offered to train a new volunteer.  This program is extremely valuable to Metcalf because it funds many extra materials and resources used in the classroom. This is a great way to contribute to our school community if you have a busy schedule but would still like to contribute to the school community in a valuable way. Please call Metcalf betwen the hours of 8:00 and 2:00 if you would like more information.  Thank you!

Important Information:  Please visit our Metcalf website to find the important information you may need over the summer.  Just click the Documents tab at the far right top corner to find such things as  Grade Level Supply Lists, Summer Learning Information, and the 2016/2017 school calendar, etc.

Last but not Least...please click the link below to enjoy the Metcalf slide show created by our very own Karen Traska!   She certainly captured the Metcalf spirit!  Thank you, Karen!

Thank you all again for a wonderful year!  I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends over the next few months.  We'll see you on August 29th for our first day of school! 

Mrs. Ratigan  :)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Governor for a Day Essay Contest!

Metcalf recently had a top five winner in the 
Governor for a Day Essay Contest! 

That’s right, our very own Rebecca Kilday 
wrote a thoughtful and insightful essay highlighting the importance of computer education, specifically coding, and creative reading programs to promote a love of reading! Rebecca, we are so proud of you and think you would make a fantastic governor one day! 

Standards-Based Grading Parent Workshop 
June 6th, 6:00-6:30, Metcalf Library
Metcalf Elementary School will be moving to a Standards-Based Grading system for the 2016-2017 school year. This parent workshop will be the first of several to provide families with an understanding of what Standards-Based grading is, why we are moving from the traditional grading system, and what to expect from a Standards-Based report card. I hope to see you on Monday, 
June 6th, from 6:00-6:30 in the Metcalf library. 
This is a change in date from the previous announcement.

Community Announcements
EWG Soccer Competitive Registration is open through June 10th. 
Details and Competitive Program tryout schedules are available at:

Registration for Fall Recreational Soccer is now open, with an in-season discount through June 11th. Details and Rec Program registration are available at:

Please visit the link below for information on Ocean State Competitive Soccer Tryouts:

Please visit the link below for information regarding the Head Start Program:

Friday, April 29, 2016

Metcalf Students Making Us Proud!

Do you know what RIMTA is?  It is the Rhode Island Mathematics Teachers Association and they honored one of our grade 3 students today! 
Paul Mangino won the RIMTA Student Award for Outstanding Performance in Mathematics! 
Here is Paul with Mrs. Kilday, Mrs. Barbour, Mrs. Prentiss from RIMTA. 

 Paul's classmates engulfed him in a HUGE celebratory embrace!!  We all enjoyed the award ceremony complete with balloons and pizza!  

We are happy to announce the winners of this year’s 4th Grade Earth Day Poster Contest! 
Mrs. Walsh from the West Greenwich Land Trust has selected 10 students from Metcalf! 

Wyatt Fehsenfeld, Lucas Husband, Ana Paquette, Harrison Lynch, Tiara Baccari,
Madison Aston, Michael Squeo, Angela Broccoli, Ava Bicknell
These students, along with Victoria Giarusso, were honored on Thursday, April 28th, at Louttit Library in West Greenwich. Winning works are currently on display at Metcalf. Also, all are welcome to view the posters of all 4th grade students who entered the contest at the Louttit Library. 
We hope you have a chance to enjoy the colorful displays! 

We are also happy to announce that EWG has been named the Rhode Island K-12 Art Department of the Year! There will be a ceremony on Thursday, May 19th at 7pm to honor our k-12 art teachers and to highlight student work. Sixth Grader Morgan Beck has had a piece of art selected to be part of the permanent gallery collection at the URI Providence Campus. In addition, artwork from students Claire Foley, Nolan Lopes, Jordan Medeiros, May Pennington, and Jenna Wilbur will be on display in the PS 2016 statewide gallery show in this same location. 
Congratulations to our fantastic student artists and staff!

We have a Nationally Recognized Writer at Metcalf!!
Sixth grade student, Madeline Green, was recently honored by our School Committee for being the Sixth Grade National Winner of the Daughter's of the American Revolution Essay Contest! 
Here is Maddie with Superintendent Erinakes and School Committee Chair, Claudine Pande.

We couldn't be more proud of all our students here at 
Metcalf Elementary School!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Creative Arts Night!

Creative Arts Night 
was a HUGE success!

Just look at the fun we had celebrating all the 
creative students we have here at Metcalf!

                        A back stage look at our band performers!                 Deep in discussion about 
                                  They sounded terrific!!!                                        the artistic talents 
                                                                                                              evident tonight!

              Congratulations to the winners of our            Congratulations to the winners of our
            Favorite Meal essay contest!  Enjoy your              edible or recycled art contest!
                   dinner at Nick's on Broadway!                      Incredible imaginations at work!

                         Just look at these fabulous edible or recycled art projects...WOW!!

Don't forget about the upcoming 
Sweetheart Dance for all children K-6.  
You can find the Sweetheart Dance flyer on the 
Metcalf website under the "Notices" tab.  
Please send the form in by Friday, April 15th.  Thank you!  :)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Coding, Science Fair, and Family Night, Oh My!

Grade 6 Coding Class was the place to be!

Thank you to Mrs. Fish and the Grade 6 Leadership Team 
for a fantastic hour of coding! 

So much fun at Book Fair Family Night!
 Thank you to our FABULOUS PTA for hosting such a wonderful event!

THIS was the REAL March Madness!!

Grade 6 students and the faculty had a close game 
with the faculty pulling away for a win at the end!  

Our Grade 6 Science Fair was AMAZING!
We have brilliant scientists at Metcalf!  Students experimented with ant farms, popcorn, cookies, how color fades, how quickly hot/cold water freezes, acidity, and MUCH more.  We couldn't be more proud of you all!

Lots of Upcoming Events...
*Creative Arts Night on Thursday, March 31st from 5-7 in the Metcalf cafeteria! It's time to celebrate all of the "blooming" artists and musicians at Metcalf!

*Duck Stamp Awards Ceremony will take place at EWG HS on Sat. Apr. 2nd.

*Kids Choice Bowling event on Sunday, April 3rd. All students, PreK to Grade 6 are invited to bring an adult of their choice for the fun Rock n Bowl, pizza, refreshments, and raffles at Kingstown Bowl on Post Rd in North Kingstown. Admission is just $10 per person!

*Keep Calm and Get Your Country On" is the theme of our next dance! It will be happening on Saturday, April 30, at Metcalf and is also open to all students PreK to Grade 6 with an adult of their choice. Just $10 per family!

*Family Science Expo at URI:
Save the date for some hands-on family fun investigating science! Saturday April 30th URI’s GEMS-Net project is hosting a Family Science Expo at the Ryan Center on the University of Rhode Island's Kingston campus from 10 AM to 2 PM. GEMS-Net partners with our schools, and others around the state, to help teachers bring cutting edge science education to all classrooms. Dig in with hands-on investigations from our kindergarten through 8th grade science curriculum. Let your children lead the way- teaching you what they know and exploring what’s to come! Visit the inflatable planetarium, get up close to hissing cockroaches, design and build the tallest tower and connect with URI students to explore STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) majors offered at URI. The Family Science Expo offers free admission and parking, and concessions will be open. We hope you'll save the date to explore with us!

*Little League Sign-Ups: