Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Delights

On Thanksgiving Day we're thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.

For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.

We're grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,
For arms to hug, and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.

The list of all we're grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!
By Joanna Fuchs

A message from Superintendent Erinakes
In addition to the move to full-day kindergarten, our district has experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment at the elementary level over the past few years. As a result, we have been monitoring enrollment trends and our school's space capacity. We are currently in the process of reviewing our needs and exploring potential changes to the grade structure at each of our schools, including the possible (probable) move of grade two to Metcalf Elementary School and the possible move of grade 6 to the Junior High School. Including grade six as part of our middle school (JHS) also has significant programmatic benefits. These changes may be implemented as early as next school year. Stay tuned for further details on our progress, and watch for surveys as we work to gather information from parents to assist us with our planning.

PTA Book Giveaway
Thank you to our PTA for the fabulous books!  
We can't wait to read them over the Thanksgiving break!


Upcoming Events
  • Don't miss the Parent Workshop on the new Metcalf Report Cards scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 5:30-6:30 in the Metcalf library!
  • The Holiday Bazaar is taking place on Saturday, Dec. 3rd fro 9:00-2:00 at Metcalf!
  • Picture Re-Take day is Monday, Dec. 5th.
  • The PTA Movie Night is Friday, Dec. 16th.
 Community Announcements
The Metcalf faculty & staff wishes you all a very 
Happy Thanksgiving and restful weekend with 
family & friends!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Autumn!

Grade 4 visits the State House and IMAX Theater.  

Look who they met during their tour!

Our Grade 6 students got creative with pumpkins 
to celebrate the season! 
Here are the winners of The Great Pumpkin contest!


Chorus is thriving at Metcalf this year and making 
morning announcements...music to our ears!  

  • Our next PTA meeting is on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at 6:00 in the Metcalf library.  Hope to see you there!
  • Don't miss the Parent Math Workshop that is just before our PTA meeting at 5:30 on Nov. 2nd!  Supporting Mastery of Basic Math Facts, grades 2-5 is the focus!
  • There will be no school on Tuesday, Nov. 8 due to Election Day.
  • There will be no school on Friday, Nov. 11 due to Veterans' Day.
  • A Flu Clinic will be held at Metcalf School on Wednesday, Nov. 9th from 4:00-6:30.
  • Parent Workshops on Standards-Based Grading will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 on Wednesday, Nov. 9th and Wednesday, Nov. 30th in the Metcalf library.
Community Announcements