The kickoff to the Metcalf Giving Season was a HUGE success!
As you can see below...we all had lots of fun dressing up and donating to UNICEF on Friday.
Thank you to the Grade 6 Leasdership Team for your great ideas to support those in need.
I hope you enjoy the photos below as much as we all enjoyed the day!
Our Specialists are VERY SPECIAL to us!!
WOW...she can wrestle anything!
Grade 6 Team Future Occupations...Retired! ;)
The Grade 2 Team
1 Fish, 2 Fish, 3 Fish...Red Fish, Blue Fish...Old Fish, New Fish, Black Fish!!
Where's Waldo? Dr. Scott and the Grade 3 Book Fairy!
"SLOW DRIVING" NEON Road Character, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Wonder Woman,
Princess Mary, and Sheriff Fish ran the school for the day!
Professional Development Days at Metcalf School were AWESOME!
Rick Wormeli, a nationally renowned education and grading expert visited EWG on October 27th. He shared his knowledge regarding Standards-Based grading practices and best practices we should focus on in the coming months and years. He also shared that he is impressed with our new report cards, answered questions, and offered ideas and "next steps" to our elementary team! We were delighted to engage in professional discussions with someone of his caliber, proud of the work we have done over the last several years, and excited to continue our work to support students.
We also spent time learning from the EWG EXPERTS we work with each and every day!
Notice the intense collaboration in the photos below taken during the Early Release Professional Development Day and the full day on 10/27! We explored small group instructional strategies
with our Math Interventionist, Mrs. Kilday, and Reading Specialists, Mrs. Laboissonniere, Mrs. Bouchard, and Mrs. Labrecque, all the new & exciting Library Resources with Mrs. Steever,
the amazing iPad Apps that Mrs. Barbour is using so effectively in her classroom,
the Responsive Classroom philosophy to help develop good character and a strong sense of community at Metcalf School with Mrs. Bucacci and Mrs. Ratigan, and the importance of
Social Emotional Learning with Mrs. Fish, Ms. Marx, and Mr. Greenberg.
Thank you to our entire faculty and staff for their active and enthusiastic participation!
There are great things happening at Metcalf School!!
We enjoyed learning together and really getting to know all our
new teachers and para-professionals that joined the Metcalf family this year!
What a fantastic METCALF TEAM we have!
We have wonderful news! Metcalf's very own Emerson McGrath from Mr. Levett's 6th Grade class will be performing in Trinity Rep's "A Christmas Carol"!
Emerson will be starring in the Green Cast. Her teachers have noted Emerson's talents in the past, and we are so proud that she is able to shine on the big stage. We wish you all the best, Emerson, and don't be surprised if you see some friendly EWG faces in the audience cheering you on! If interested in seeing one of Emerson's performances see the link below and be sure to purchase tickets for the Green Cast shows:
Trinity Rep - A Christmas Carol
Cards For A Cause, (CFAC): As you know, the EWG Elementary Schools took over the CFAC Fundraising Program this year. This is a great way to support ALL three of our Elementary Schools simply by purchasing gift cards to your favorite stores! Completed forms should be sent to Metcalf School to Mariah Pearson, our Office Clerk. Right now, payments for gift cards must in in the form of cash or a check, but soon we will be able to accept credit card payments to make it even easier to support your schools! The CFAC Form is available on the Metcalf website under the Parent Tab/ Important Documents and at the following link:
CFAC Order Form Thank you so much for your continued support!
Grade 6 Leadership Team Projects
UNICEF Collection - All students went home with an orange UNICEF Collection box on Friday. Please encourage your child to continue collecting for needy children and bring back the box on or before Tuesday, Nov. 28th.
Food Drive - Students are encouraged to bring in non-perishable food items until Friday, Nov. 17th. Grade level food collection boxes are located in the lobby.
Safety is of utmost important to all of us! To that end, I ask that you please read the arrival and dismissal procedures below and follow them every day going forward. Thank you so much for helping us keep everyone safe at Metalf! :)
Morning Arrival: If you drive your child to school, an activity, or to the YMCA Child Care Program, it is very important that you follow all arrival procedures listed below.
- Obey the DO NOT ENTER and ONE WAY signs at all times, this includes when dropping off for an activity or the YMCA Child Care Program early in the morning.
- Drive Slowly through the parking lot, and when driving around the back of building if you are dropping off your child at the YMCA Child Care Program.
- Pull all the way forward in the front drop off area before your child exits the vehicle.
- Make sure your child exits the vehicle on the sidewalk side of the car only.
- Follow all directions and suggestions from our Metcalf Assistants while on school grounds.
Afternoon Dismissal: If you are picking your child up at dismissal, from an activity, or from the YMCA Child Care Program, it is very important that you follow the pick-up procedures listed below.
- Send your child to school with a note that includes the date, your signature, and the name of the person (18 years or older) that is picking him/her up at 3:00.
- Please do NOT call the school, leave a message, or send an email regarding changes in dismissal routines, as this is when mistakes happen.
- If an emergency requires a change in dismissal plans then please call prior to 2:30, as between 2:30 & 3:00 is a very hectic time in our office.
- Obey the DO NOT ENTER and ONE WAY signs at all times, this includes when picking up from an activity or the YMCA Child Care Program later in the day.
- Drive Slowly through the parking lot, and when driving around the back of building if you are picking up your child from an activity or the YMCA Child Care Program.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, Nov. 6th - Experts will present on the
Dangers of Vaping and
ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) tonight @ 6:00 in the JSHS Auditorium. Please visit the link for further information:
Dangers of Vaping
Tuesday, Nov. 7th - Vision Screenings for grades 2-5
Wednesday, Nov. 8th - we will follow a Friday schedule to make up for the Fridays we have missed. This means the children will have their Friday Special on 11/8.
Friday, November 10th - No school as we observe Veterans' Day.
Wednesday, Nov. 22 - No School on Thanksgiving Eve.
Community Announcements:
Please see the links below regarding community activities and events: