Monday, January 21, 2019

There's Lots Going On at Metcalf!

Metcalf observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day...

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 
'What are you doing for others? - MLK Jr.

Thank you to all for teaching Dr. King's important lessons to our children and to Ms. Ryan for Metcalf's very first Peace Walk. 
I think it's going to become an annual event! :)

The first ever Metcalf Best Buddies event!  What a huge success!  

Hands-on Centers, Computer Coding, and 
Learning Workshops in action!

Thank You to Girl Scout Troop 217 for inviting me to 
help decorate cookies!  
Fun and delicious all at the same time!  :)

What a beautiful way to enjoy the holiday season.  
Thank you to Mrs. Gaumond and her students 
for the annual sign language performance!

Important Announcements:
Arrival & dismissal - Please remember that we have almost 600 students at Metcalf and safety is of utmost importance to all of us.  When bringing or picking up your child to/ from Metcalf, please follow all the safety protocols in place.  Remember the crossing guards are here to assist you and keep all our children safe.

  • Cars must pull all the way forward in the drop off lane as our crossing guards direct you.
  • When you've pulled up as far as possible, put your car in park.
  • Students must be ready to exit the car upon arrival to keep the line moving.
  • Children must exit the car on the sidewalk side of your car.
  • If that is not possible they must walk in front of your car to the sidewalk so you see they are safely on the sidewalk before you put your car in drive and pull away. 
  • Do not pull up next to cars in the drop off lane when dropping your child off at school.
  • If you arrive after 8:37 you will need to park and bring your child to the office to sign him/her in.  The crossing guards cannot stay past this time because they have students they work with beginning at 8:40 each day.
  • Drive slowly while on school grounds.
  • Please write a note for any dismissal changes that come up instead of calling the office if at all possible. This will help to prevent errors.   
  • Have your license handy to show the Metcalf staff members that are running the sign out desk.
  • Do not allow children to run around and play during pick up time as buses and cars are traveling in and around the area. 
  • Thank you for remembering, "Safety First" at Metcalf!   :)

Dental Screening is scheduled for Friday, February 8th. Please send in your child's dental card if you haven't already.  :)

Winter break (no school) is scheduled for the week of February 18th.

Math Night is scheduled for Thursday, February 28th, everyone is welcome to attend!

Early Release Day is scheduled for Thursday March 14th.  Students will be dismissed on this day at 1:00 for a teachers' Professional Development meeting.