Lots of jumping and funds raised for a great cause!
“Help the Homeless” Fundraiser
The Grade 6 “Help the Homeless” fundraiser for the Welcome House in Peace Dale was a tremendous success. Headed up by Mr. Levett’s homeroom, the students organized a school-wide fundraiser after learning about teen activism. The students interviewed employees at the Welcome House to find out what their needs were. They then brainstormed ways to collect the items needed. Deciding upon a food drive, the students created posters, flyers, emails, and announcements to inform the school about the activity. Students collected classroom boxes each week, and tallied up the amount of items from each class and grade level.
After four weeks, Metcalf raised 4193 items!
The items will be transported to the Welcome House by some of the 6th grade students as well...GREAT JOB!!
The items will be transported to the Welcome House by some of the 6th grade students as well...GREAT JOB!!
Math Night! Look Who's Counting!
Teachers and Students -Writing - Conferencing
Expressing Ourselves!
*Grade 2 PJ DAY is Friday, 3/22! Thank you grade 2 students and families for donating the most items for the Help the Homeless fundraiser! Awesome Job!
*Metcalf Creative Arts Night: Blooming Artists: See how we have grown!
-Thursday, March 28th from 5-7pm!
-All students will have one unique framed self-portrait that can be purchased to be taken home that night.
-All students will have one unique framed self-portrait that can be purchased to be taken home that night.
-Framed student artwork will only be available to purchase from 5-7pm!
-Please be prepared to pay with cash or check only.
-March 28 will be the final opportunity to buy your child’s framed artwork.
-Please be prepared to pay with cash or check only.
-March 28 will be the final opportunity to buy your child’s framed artwork.
-You'll also be able to enjoy refreshments at the Met Cafe run by our grade 6 students, music by our fabulous Metcalf students!
-Don't forget to bring a canned good or paper good to support "Operation Stand Down" and win a chance for a free watercolor session with local artist Sue Greco!
*PTA Sponsored Scholastic Book Fair during the week of March 18th! Family Book Fair on Friday, 3/22, 6:00-7:00 pm.
*LifeTouch Spring Pictures on Wed., April 3rd