Our Metcalf students have been engaged, happy, and working very hard so far in 2020! In the shared album entitled, "Metcalf Jan. & Feb." you will find pictures of some classroom activities, fun in Spanish class, as well as some special events such as the Kids' Heart Challenge.
I have also shared photos and videos from our first Whole School Celebration of Learning (WSC) which was hosted by our grade 6 students. The WSC is a chance to come together as a school community to highlight, share, and celebrate something we are proud of and excited about learning. As you'll see, our grade 6 students did a fabulous job teaching others about teen activism and being a leader in the community. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoy spending each day with our students!
Visit these links for great pictures & videos:
Metcalf Jan. & Feb.
Grade 6 Whole School Celebration
Survey Works!
It's that time again! Please log into this link: http://surveys.panoramaed.com/ride
Your access code is: 97103family
We look forward to hearing your suggestions as well as what we're doing well at Metcalf. Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 3/11 - End of Trimester 2
Week of 3/16 - PTA Book Fair all week
Wednesday, 3/18 - Grade 6 Science Fair
Thursday, 3/19 - Early Release Day @ 1:00 & 1st day of SPRING!
Thursday, 3/26 - Metcalf Creative Arts Night, 5-7 pm
Saturday, 3/28 - RI Junior Duck Stamp Awards Ceremony, 12-2 pm-EWG HS Auditorium (free and open to the public)
Wednesday, 4/1 - LifeTouch picture day & School Culture/SIT mtg. @ 3:15
Monday, 4/6 - RICAS ELA, grds. 3-6 begins
Friday, 4/10 - Good Friday, no school
Monday, 4/13 - Reading Week begins
Tuesday, 4/14 - Grade 2 & 3 Hearing screening, 9-11
Wednesday, 4/15 - Rooster Games
Thursday, 4/16 - Family Math Night
Saturday 4/18 through Sunday 4/26 - Spring Break