I would like to welcome you back after what I hope was a restful and exciting winter break spent with family and friends! I am excited about what lies ahead in 2016 and look forward to working together in our efforts to be the best we can be in EWG! I can't believe the halfway point to our school year is just around the corner. Time certainly does fly by when having fun! This is the perfect time of year to revisit some school routines, provide important reminders, and start fresh with our New Year resolutions. With that in mind, please review the following reminders and requests.
- All students must be dressed appropriately for the weather when they come to school. Winter coats, hats, mittens/gloves, boots, and snow pants (when we have snow) are a must. Please do not allow your child to come to school without these items, or dressed in shorts or short sleeved shirts, during the winter months. We go outside for recess every day if at all possible, as well as routinely practice fire and safety drills during the cold weather, not to mention the possibility of a real emergency which would require us to be outside for an extended period of time. So, please double check that your child is dressed for winter before they walk out to the bus each morning. Thank you.
- Please note that the following items are not allowed in school: chewing gum, toys (including trading cards), electronics, drinks for their desks other than water (flavored coffees, hot chocolates, and sweetened drinks present problems if brought to school by students).
- Student Drop-off Time is 8:22 to 8:37. Please go down and park in the lot facing the sidewalk if arriving prior to 8:22 and then allow your child to walk up the sidewalk to the crosswalk. If arriving after 8:37, please park and walk your child to the main entrance door by the office.
- Parents may not enter the building at the pick-up door per our safety protocols.
January is a month of reflections and new beginnings. Let's join together to celebrate learning, reflect on the growth and begin to imagine how far we can go when we set our expectations high and plan a path to reach them.
We can accomplish anything, and everything, when working together!
The Metcalf community wishes you a healthy and happy New Year!