Metcalf School is #Dstrong!!!
Today the Metcalf students, faculty, and staff all joined together to help Dorian achieve his goal and become famous!
We have some famous artists here at Metcalf! Daniel O'Neill, Kaia Bennett, and Sophia Kelly recently displayed this wonderful artwork at the 27th Children's Art Exhibition at the Hera Gallery in Wakefield! Very impressive, you make us proud!

Exciting reading and writing collaboration was happening in Mrs. D'Amico's classroom today. Mrs. Allen and her students joined their 3rd grade friends to share some terrific writing projects. Next time the D'Amico's will share their writing with their 5th grade friends! Great Job!
Here's a February Vacation Challenge for my Metcalf friends! Stay warm enjoying a good book to tell me about when we return, or, bundle up to have fun playing outside in the snow! Have mom or dad take pictures of you doing one or both and bring them to school when we return on the 22nd. You can also email pictures to me. We're going to use these photos to transform our lobby bulletin boards into two delightful winter scenes featuring all of YOU!! Faculty and staff too!! :)
The faculty and staff at Metcalf wishes you all
a safe and relaxing winter vacation.